Monday, February 18, 2013

Well, hello there!

I hope you and yours are doing well. We've been battling all kind of sickness over here. As soon as one kid is better, the next get sick, and the cycle continues again.

Big news to share! Mr. Ber was accepted to college and he declared his major and minor today. I'm so incredibly proud of him. We're slowly laying the paths that we want to follow.

We finally bought a new sewing machine, too! I'm super excited to get it out and break it in. I'm trying a different brand this time, Singer. My grandmother's would have sworn by the brand, so I'm giving it a go. Also, I'm working on breaking into the photography business. At this point, I'm doing photos of the kids, my nieces, my friends, etc. I'm trying to build a small portfolio and see what exactly I would like to do within the field. I love portraits of my kids, but I also love photographing things that I find. Below are some pictures that I took while we were on vacation last year. I just recently edited them. 

All of these were taken along the back roads of Tennessee and Kentucky. I can't wait to get them on my walls!

Until next time...

Go. Do. Create and enjoy!

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