Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The art of self portraits...

Ok, ok, I'm still learning and I don't know if there is any right way, honestly. I spent some time last night practicing the art of self photography. Setting up the shot is a lot more difficult than I imagined, BUT I got this... This is the only shot I really loved and, after editing, thought it held so much emotion. I love it and that's all that really matters.

I didn't use any reflective surfaces like many blog posts suggest. I chose to set up my umbrella and light, my tripod, and sit in the floor and shoot. Mr. Ber doesn't know it yet, but I'm going to make him do it with me. Haha.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Choot 'em!

I neeeeeed to get out and shoot soon. Pictures that is. I've had visions of Spring photo sessions in my head since early this month. Outfits and props are already picked out and my "trigger" finger can practically feel that shutter button. It's going to be a little cool this week, but I'm hoping to get out on my day off and do a little exploring.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Well, hello there!

I hope you and yours are doing well. We've been battling all kind of sickness over here. As soon as one kid is better, the next get sick, and the cycle continues again.

Big news to share! Mr. Ber was accepted to college and he declared his major and minor today. I'm so incredibly proud of him. We're slowly laying the paths that we want to follow.

We finally bought a new sewing machine, too! I'm super excited to get it out and break it in. I'm trying a different brand this time, Singer. My grandmother's would have sworn by the brand, so I'm giving it a go. Also, I'm working on breaking into the photography business. At this point, I'm doing photos of the kids, my nieces, my friends, etc. I'm trying to build a small portfolio and see what exactly I would like to do within the field. I love portraits of my kids, but I also love photographing things that I find. Below are some pictures that I took while we were on vacation last year. I just recently edited them. 

All of these were taken along the back roads of Tennessee and Kentucky. I can't wait to get them on my walls!

Until next time...

Go. Do. Create and enjoy!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Will you be my Valentine?

As usual, mommy is doing last minute Valentine's Day stuff to prep for Boo's party at day care. Each year, they ask that we bring a box for the kids to collect their Valentines. Until this year, I'd always bought something pre made. This year, I decided to make him something special and it's pretty darn cute.

How are you spending Valentine's Day?

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Photo Project

I am starting a year long photography project inspired by a book that my husband and I love; A Journey Through Arkansas: Historic U.S. Highway 67.

I'll be taking a photographic journey through the state, following the old highway (where possible). It's going to be exciting and challenging. I can't wait to get started!

The book that inspired me.

Where my husband grew up.

Photos from a little town to our north.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Be awesome!

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I've poured some extra time into work and have been trying to catch up after being sick last week. This weekend isn't coming soon enough.

I wanted to share a book with you guys. I'm a big fan of Jon Acuff. He's been a big inspiration to me over the last year. I highly suggest you read Quitter! It's inspired me to make time to do what I love, but be great at what I'm already doing. I'm super excited for the release of his newest book, Start. Check him out.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Shoe fever!

It warmed to about 70 degrees earlier this week and Spring (and Summer) fever hit. Along with it came the realization that I need some cute skirts and accessories for the coming seasons. In my quest to make a comfy, cute skirt, I broke my sewing machine. The talented (and down right awesome) Mr. Ber helped fix it the best he could, but if I continue to sew I will eventually need a better machine. 

Of course, I've spent quite a bit of time blog hopping to find tutorials and gather new ideas. One of my favorites that I've come across is Sweet Verbena. Go check it out now! It's where I got the idea for the shoes. I believe I've mentioned before that once an idea has been planted in my head, I have to do it as soon as possible. Well, after stumbling across this tutorial for the second or third time, I decided it was time for me to try it. First, I need to state that prior to this experience I was terrified to work with dye; now I want to dye everything! Second, finding cheap shoes proved to be a little challenge. Our local Wal-Marts did have the shoe mentioned in the original tutorial, just not in my size. I ended up finding my slip-ons at K-Mart for $6. K-Mart also carries a white canvas shoe with laces that would be perfect for this up-style. I also went to several different stores before deciding on this dye that I purchased at Hobby Lobby. I used the 40% discount and got the dye for less than $2. Total cost: $8

Materials purchased.

I followed the directions on the dye packet.

Rinsed with cool water after an hour.
All rinsed off and ready to dry. Remember, it will dry lighter.

Here they are! Dry, bright, and blue! You can see how much lighter they became once dried. 

I'm going to end up with a rainbow of shoes in my closet. Oh, and if you can't find the right shade, head over here to the Rit website and use their color formula guide!

Go. Do. Create and enjoy!