Monday, December 3, 2012


I've been busy, busy, busy (say that in your mind like Phil on Duck Dynasty says "happy, happy, happy")! The holidays are upon us and while I really wanted to post a lot of pictures and write blogs about all the great DIY projects I've done, that hasn't been my reality. This is one of the busiest times of year for those of us in retail. I'm trying to cherish all the time I can with family and create new memories/traditions with the kids. The littlest are old enough now to really get into Christmas. Saturday morning, while I was doing my hair, Adele pulled me into the living room to show me a commercial that had some fairy or princess or baby doll that she wanted. Thomas will walk through the toy store yelling, "Oh yea! That's awesome! Get that for me!!" It's cute now, but I dread this later.

In my dreams, I had planned to spend every afternoon and weekend working on projects or crafting with the kids. In reality, I've come home and sat my lazy butt on the couch. I do have a new project to start after Christmas, though. My husband is not nearly as excited as I am about this one. My dad, bless his heart, feeds me crafting/DIY needs by bringing home ideas and things for me to work on. The newest addition to our home? (Did I mention that it's OUR home?!) My dad brought an old stereo console that I fully intend to gut and turn into a TV console. I'm still trying to convince Bran that this is going to work out beautifully. Some day he'll see what I see.

Hopefully, I'll get a few things completed soon and can share pictures with you all. Until then, I hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas.

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